The Celebration of the V4 Cooperation.
Throughout the last months Primary School Number Six Friends’ Association in Gorlice, together with partner schools in Gorlice, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic has been working on a project titled “The Celebration of the V4 Cooperation” financed by the Visegrad Fund.
The events concluded in the project included: the cooperation of the students as well as teachers from Municipal School Complex No 6 in Gorlice with partner schools in Bardejov, Nyiregyhaza and Kralupy n. Vlt., participation in international conferences, celebration of Polish – Hungarian Day and the Visegrad Day, contests, art and photo exhibitions as well as vocal and dance performances. Moreover, a publication commemorating the 20th anniversary of Polish and Hungarian schools cooperation has been created. Each and every student had a chance to take part in the events concerning the project.
On behalf of Primary School Number Six Friends’ Association in Gorlice we would like to express our gratitude to sponsors for granting the project, partners for active participation in the project and all teachers, instructors and pupils whose hard work was invaluable.
Additional information can be found on
Statutory representative
Małgorzata Świerz
Project coordinators
Małgorzata Buźniak
Sylwia Zimowska
A trip to Slovakia
On the 4th of June 2014 pupils attending third year classes went for a trip to Slovakia. Among others, the programme of the trip included sightseeing Bardejov, where they visited an open air museum of folk architecture, the Gothic St. Egidius Church, the Town Hall and the Old Town. The group also had the opportunity to admire various plant and animals species in the Musem of Natural Science. What is more, the Polish group met the peers from the school in Vinbarg and went for a tour around the school, after which they had some time for interactive games and activities.
Contest “Popular Polish and Hungarian Landmarks”
On May 24th an art contest testing the geographical knowledge of the countries bolonging to the Visegrad Group took place. The students of the School No 6 in Gorlice participated in the contest, where they had to draw or paint a characteristic Polish or Hungarian landmark. All works of art were displayed in the school during the Visegrad Day. Young artists did a very good job! Contragulations to Monika Woźniak, the first prize winner, Weronika Białoń and Kamil Rosiak, the second and third prize winners, who received valuable prizes sponsored by the Visegrad Fund.
Polish pupils visit Hungary.
From 6th of June to 9th of June a group of students from our school participated in an international exchange to our partner school in Hungary. The trip was very interesting. Among others, trip participants visited Kosice in Slovakia and the city of Nyíregyháza. During their stay there the students also visited the zoo as well as an amazing aquarium where they participated in a seal training show. However, the biggest attraction was the aqua park where they had fun in the healing thermal waters. On Friday as well as on Saturday afternoon, along with Hungarian friends from a partner school in Nyírsholos, the Polish group took part in a festival, where they performed folk songs on stage. Moreover, the students as well as the teachers took part in a lecture on the history and geography of Hungary, The trip to Nyíregyháza had given them a chance to get acquainted with the Hungarian culture, customs as well as its natural beauty and to present their heritage on an international stage.
An arrival of Hungarian teachers, students and local authorities
On May 23rd, 2014 our school welcomed a group of students and teachers from a partner school in Nyírszőlős in Hungary, together with the authorities of the school with their families and the deputy mayor of Nyíregyháza.
Short after their arrival and sightseeing of the school they started practicing dances and songs which were to be presented during the second and third day of their visit. Then, late in the evening, they went to supper financed by the Visegrad Fund. The next day was very busy as firstly the group took part in the celebrations concerning the 20th anniversary of Polish – Hungarian cooperation, namely the Visegrad Day. Secondly, the teachers and the Hungarian authorities took part in a conference aimed at sharing and enrichment of educational experiences.
In the afternoon they went to visit an Educational Centre and Museum of Nature in Krempna, where they could admire the natural values of the Magurski National Park, including its landscape, vegetation and animal coverage in different seasons of the year.
The third day of the visit was devoted to strengthening ties among the Polish – Hungarian students, teachers and staff members by participating in an Polish – Hungarian Day event. During this event one could observe students conversing with each other in English, exchanging phone numbers and having a lot of fun together, which proved that the aim of the aim of this project has been fulfilled.
On Monday, after breakfast, Hungarian friends left Gorlice to enjoy rafting on Dunajec on their way back home.
Visegrad Day
On May 24th 2014, Miejski Zespół Szkół No 6 in Gorlice organized an event called Visegrad Day. The general aim was to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Polish – Hungarian long-term cooperation and to demonstrate how international cooperation has strengthen ties between Poland and the Visegrad countries.
During a conference, the invited guests, among others the mayor of Gorlice - Witold Kochan, the director of education - Aleksander Augustyn and members of the city counsil as well as the deputy mayor of Nyíregyháza Jaszai Menyhert with his wife, the headmaster as well as the vice headmaster of the school in Nyírszőlős and the teachers from the Hungarian school were given a lecture on the benefits of an international school partnership. Moreover, they were presented a multimedia presentation concerning the main topic of the current project. It included photos displaying what has been done within the past projects with the impact on events reflecting cultural identities which are an integral component of partnerships. The presentation was met with great interest.
Letters of gratitude, gifts and symbolic statues commemorating the 20th anniversary of cooperation were exchanged between the mayors and headmasters of both schools. Moreover, a letter from the headmaster Janos, who signed the cooperation agreement 20 years ago, was read.
Visitors could admire a photo exhibition summarizing the past 20 years of mutual cooperation. The exhibition presented a collection of photos concerning cooperation between the partner schools, which had been taken throughout the past years during mutual annual visits and youth exchange programs. They were also given a brochure containing general information concerning the Visegrad Fund, the activities involved in implemented projects as well as information about the V4 partner schools.
The invited guests could also admire works of art which took part in “Most popular Polish and Hungarian landmarks” art contest.
Additionally, the dance group from the school presented the Polish national dances and folk songs. The Hungarian group also prepared a show containing their national dances and songs and a play performed by the youngest students.
At the end of the meeting two students, Magdalena Tatko and Julia Rak, who were most active in the past as well as the current Visegrad projects received very valuable prizes funded by the Visegrad Fund. Students, who had been chosen as winners in an art contest, also received worthy prizes.
A Polish – Hungarian Day
On May 25th 2014 there was an outdoor picnic organized by Miejski Zespół Szkół No 6 in Gorlice. The aim was to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Polish – Hungarian cooperation and emphasise solidarity between the schools.
By taking part in cultural activities the participants promoted the tradition and culture of their region. They exchanged information and experience and explored culture and identity.
Children, together with their parents, took part in integration games and sport activities. They could participate in numerous competitions and win valuable prizes.
The Polish group presented Polish national dances and sang folk songs. The Hungarian group also had a chance to perform their beautiful national dances and songs. The members of this event were also entertained by a dance group performing spectacular partner dances.
The participants had a chance to try Hungarian sweets and Polish local cuisine. Stalls with mouth-watering dishes such as homemade cakes, grilled pork and sausages, drinks, dumplings and pancakes with homemade jam were most eagerly visited by everyone.
On the whole, this event, prepared by the teachers, students as well as their parents, was very popular. It enforced crosscultural communication and strengthened ties among Polish and Hungarian partner schools.
A trip of teachers and instructors to Hungary - 2 - 4 May, 2014.
The first day was devoted to the meeting of Polish and Hungarian teachers and instructors in the partner school in Nyirszolos. Throughout the duration of this assembly everyone commemorated the 20th anniversary of Polish-Hungarian cooperation between the schools. Moreover, both of the countries celebrated the 10th anniversary of Poland and Hungary accession to the European Union. During the conference, which was prepared by the Hungarian hosts, its participants discussed various cultural and educational topics. The relationships that evolved throughout the past years were strengthened and long term plans concerning future cooperation were made.
During the second and the third day of the trip its participants admired the Hungarian natural beauty, learnt about its history and became familiar with the contemporary changes.
Wizyta gości z partnerskiej szkoły na Węgrzech.
W dniach 23-24-25-26 maja grupa nauczycieli i uczniów z partnerskiej szkoły w Nyirszolos gościła z wizytą w naszej szkole. Program wizyty łączył wymianę doświadczeń, poznawanie naszego kraju oraz wspólne spotkania młodzieży.
W pierwszym dniu pobytu Węgrzy czas spędzili na spacerze po Gorlicach oraz próbach zespołów przed występami.
Sobota to Dzień Wyszehradzki. Przed południem odbyła się bardzo uroczysta akademia, w której udział wzięli przedstawiciele władz samorządowych Gorlic i Nyiregyzahay oraz dyrektorzy szkół. Podziękowanie, upominki i symboliczne statuetki upamiętniające 20-lecie współpracy wymienili burmistrzowie miast oraz dyrektorzy szkół, odczytano list okolicznościowy od dyrektora Janosa, który 20 lat temu podpisywał umowę o współpracy. Po częściach artystycznych w wykonaniu zarówno młodzieży polskiej jak i węgierskiej, zostały wręczone upominki z najaktywniejsze działania oraz zwycięstwo w konkursie plastycznym.
Dalszą część programu Dnia Wyszehradzkiego stanowiła konferencja polsko-węgierska z udziałem władz obydwu miast. Ostatnim punktem dnia była wycieczka do Krempnej. Węgrzy zwiedzali Muzeum Magurskiego Parku Narodowego, obejrzeli film o budowie geologicznej, poznali florę i faunę Beskidu Niskiego.
Niedziela to dzień Polsko – Węgierski. Przedsięwzięcie łączące występy sceniczne i prezentacje artystyczne, konkurencje sportowe, zabawy na zjeżdżalniach i dmuchanych piłkach. Kulinarną oprawę stanowiły domowe wyroby o bardzo szerokim asortymencie smaków.
W po śniadaniu goście węgierscy udali sie w drogę powrotną, której programem był spływ Dunajcem
Wizyta w partnerskiej szkole na Węgrzech - 2- 4 maj, 2014 r.
Wycieczka Rady Pedagogicznej MZS 6 na Węgry łączyła programem spotkanie z nauczycielami z partnerskiej szkoły oraz poszerzenie wiedzy o Węgrzech. Pierwszy dzień poświęcony został spotkaniu z nauczycielami z Nyirszolos, a data spotkania także łączyła, ponieważ zarówno Polska jak i Węgry świętowała 10-lecie wstąpienia do UE. W tej miłej i odświętnej atmosferze przebiegało spotkanie konferencyjne: wymiana doświadczeń, kontynuacja wspólnych tradycji i zwyczajów, wymiana upominków i uzgodnienie planów na przyszłość.
Dzień drugi i trzeci wycieczki przeznaczyliśmy na poznawanie uroków Węgier, poznawanie jego historii oraz zmian współczesnych.